
The satsconverter repository on GitHub (Originally created by bitkarrot) is built using Python and HTML, CSS, Javascript that converts Bitcoin amounts between satoshis and BTC units. The satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin, representing one hundred millionth of a single Bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC).

I am one of the contributors of this project on Github.

This is currently a running website - https://rates.bitcoin.org.hk/

This is only one of the sites under The Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong

Literature Review

Sats, short for “satoshis,” are the smallest unit of Bitcoin, representing one hundred millionth of a single Bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC). Sats are commonly used to measure small amounts of Bitcoin, such as transaction fees, and are named after the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Fitas, on the other hand, are not a standard unit of measurement for Bitcoin. It’s possible that you meant “bits,” which are also a sub-unit of Bitcoin and represent one millionth of a single Bitcoin (0.000001 BTC). Bits were proposed as a new unit of measurement for Bitcoin in 2013 as a way to make Bitcoin prices more user-friendly, as the value of a single Bitcoin at the time was quite high.

BTC, or simply “bitcoin,” refers to the base unit of measurement for the cryptocurrency. One BTC represents one full Bitcoin, and its value can fluctuate significantly based on supply and demand in the market. As of my knowledge cutoff of September 2021, the value of one BTC was around $47,000 USD, but this value can change rapidly over time.


We are using Python, to put and retrieve data from the Coindesk. The data is then parsed form a json file and displayed in a textbox uisng HTML. Other designs and animations are done using CSS and Javascript.


The project is currently live at - https://rates.bitcoin.org.hk/

Althought I’ve only worked with HTML, CSS and Python previously, It was definitely chalenging when it came to understand how the project worked before I could contribute. There were a lot of trial and error since I am new to Javascript and the changes I had made were mostly in Javascript. Not to mention the world of Bitcoin, which was new to me. I was familiar with how it operated using the blockchain technology, but I had never familiarized myself with the terms until I was involved in this project. It was definitely a learning excperience for me and I loved working on this project.

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